PRO SERIESNAME: FIRST SUPERLIGHTCUT: Negative with wrap thumb in an ergonomical constructionBACKHAND: Soft Silicone 3.0 engraving system construction, very soft and comfortable located over the fingersBACK/BODY: TC Fleece body which provides lightness and comfortWRIST CLOSURE: 9cm semi elastic closing strap with velcro anchoringPALM LATEX: 4mm Ultimate Control Grip latex + 3mm of FoamCOLOUR: SPECTRE ORANGESIZES: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.5 to 11 including half sizes
PRO SERIESNAME: FIRST SUPERLIGHTCUT: Negative with wrap thumb in an ergonomical constructionBACKHAND: Soft Silicone 3.0 engraving system construction, very soft and comfortable located over the fingersBACK/BODY: TC Fleece body which provides lightness and comfortWRIST CLOSURE: 9cm semi elastic closing strap with velcro anchoringPALM LATEX: 4mm Ultimate Control Grip latex + 3mm of FoamCOLOUR: SPECTRE ORANGESIZES: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.5 to 11 including half sizes
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